
Course Number Course Title Sort ascending Cross-Listings Credit Hours Operations
ECE 6754 Nonlinear Systems Theory 3.00
ECE 6511 Nonlinear Optics 3.00
ECE 5500 Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming for ECE 3.00
ECE 7854 Nonlinear and Adaptive Control 3.00
ECE 6532 Nanofabrication and Nanoscale Devices 3.00
ECE 5020 Mixed Signal VLSI 3.00
ECE 7821 Mixed Signal Verification and CAD Tools 3.00
ECE 7831 Microwave Semiconductor Devices 3.00
ECE 7814 Microwave Remote Sensing 3.00
ECE 5017 Microwave Engineering 4.00
ECE 5027 Microwave Electronics 4.00
ECE 3567 Microcontroller Lab 1.00
ECE 5206 Medical Imaging and Processing Cross-listed with BME 5160 3.00
ECE 6750 Linear Systems Theory 3.00
ECE 5131 Lasers 3.00
ECE 7855 Large Scale and Cyber-Physical Systems 3.00
ECE 5101 Introduction to Wireless Networking Cross-listed in CSE 5463. 3.00
ECE 5022 Introduction to RF Systems 3.00
ECE 5463 Introduction to Real Time Robotics Systems Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
ECE 3010 Introduction to Radio Frequency and Optical Engineering 3.00
ECE 5013 Introduction to Radar Systems 3.00
ECE 2560 Introduction to Microcontroller-Based Systems 2.00
ECE 5307 Introduction to Machine Learning for ECE 4.00
ECE 5120 Introduction to Integrated Circuits Test and Measurement 3.00
ECE 3551 Introduction to Feedback Control Systems 3.00