
Course Number Sort descending Course Title Cross-Listings Credit Hours
ISE 5555 Manufacturing Processes and Machine Tools 3.00
ISE 5570 Manufacturing Data Processing and Analysis no 3.00
ISE 5600 Principles of Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics 3.00
ISE 5610 Ergonomics in the Product Design Process 3.00
ISE 5620 Risk Assessment Tools for Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders 3.00
ISE 5630 What Every Engineer and Designer Should Know about Human Factors Engineering 1.50
ISE 5640 Occupational Safety: Analysis and Design of Work Environments 3.00
ISE 5650 Introduction and Practical Experience in Ergonomics Research no 1.00 - 3.00
ISE 5682.01 Fundamentals of Product Design Engineering Cross-listed with MechEng. 3.00
ISE 5682.02 Product Design Engineering for Entrepreneurs Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
ISE 5700 Introduction to Cognitive Systems Engineering 3.00
ISE 5705 Cognitive Engineering Systems: Distributed and Cooperative Work 3.00
ISE 5710 Behind Human Error: Safety and Complex Systems 3.00
ISE 5720 Human Systems Integration 3.00
ISE 5730 Information Analysis and Synthesis 3.00
ISE 5740 Cognitive Engineering Systems: Human-Centered Automation 3.00
ISE 5745 Human-Centered Machine Learning 3.00
ISE 5760 Visual Analytics and Sensemaking 3.00
ISE 5770 Cognitive Engineering Systems: Design and Evaluation 3.00
ISE 5800 Advanced Project Management 3.00
ISE 5810 Lean Sigma Foundations 4.00
ISE 5811 Lean Sigma Certification Project (Part I) 3.00
ISE 5812 LeanSigma Certification Project II 3.00
ISE 5813 Integrated Lean Six Sigma Capstone Certification Experience 4.00
ISE 5815 Integrated LeanSigma Fundamentals 3.00