
Course Number Sort descending Course Title Cross-Listings Credit Hours
NUCLREN 6193 Individual Studies in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 4.00
NUCLREN 6194 Group Studies in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 4.00
NUCLREN 6507 Intermediate Numerical Methods Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
NUCLREN 6537 Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
NUCLREN 6716 Probabilistic Reliability and Safety Assessment Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
NUCLREN 6725 Nuclear Reactor Dynamics 2.00
NUCLREN 6726 Reactor Dynamics Laboratory 2.00
NUCLREN 6750 Nuclear Materials and Irradiation Effects in Materials Cross-listed in MatScEn. 2.00
NUCLREN 6766 Nuclear Engineering Design 2.00
NUCLREN 6881 Nuclear Engineering Seminar 1.00
NUCLREN 7865 Neutron Slowing Down and Thermalization 3.00
NUCLREN 8193 Individual Studies in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 4.00
NUCLREN 8194 Group Studies in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 4.00
NUCLREN 8717 Dynamic Probablistic Risk Assessment Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
NUCLREN 8777 Risk and Reliability for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems Cross-listed in MechEng. 3.00
NUCLREN 8998 Graduate Research in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 12.00
NUCLREN 8999 Nuclear Engineering Research for Dissertation 1.00 - 15.00
WELDENG 2001 Introduction to Welding Engineering 3.00
WELDENG 2601 Introductory Arc Welding Laboratory 1.00
WELDENG 3193.01 Individual Studies in Welding Engineering 0.50 - 6.00
WELDENG 3193.02 Individual Studies in Welding Engineering 0.50 - 6.00
WELDENG 4001 Physical Principles in Welding Processes I 4.00
WELDENG 4002 Physical Principles in Welding Processes II 4.00
WELDENG 4003 Principles of Welding Process Control 3.00
WELDENG 4012 Resistance Welding Processes 3.00