
Course Number Sort descending Course Title Cross-Listings Credit Hours
AVIATN 4800 Professional Practices in Industry 2.00 - 5.00
AVIATN 4999H Aviation Engineering Research for Honors Thesis 1.00 - 3.00
AVIATN 5000 Air Transportation Analysis II 3.00
AVIATN 5100 Flight Instructor Methodology 2.00
AVIATN 5101 Flight Instructor ASE Flight Lab 2.00
AVIATN 5102 Flight Instructor AME Lab 1.00
AVIATN 5193 Individual Studies in Aviation 2.00 - 5.00
AVIATN 5194 Group Studies in Aviation 2.00 - 5.00
AVIATN 5200 Instrument Flight Instructor Methodology 2.00
AVIATN 5201 Flight Instructor Instrument Flight Lab 1.00
AVIATN 5300 Airport Planning, Design, and Development Cross-listed in CRPlan and CivilEn. 3.00
AVIATN 5400 Access and Retention in Aviation and STEM Workforces 3.00
AVIATN 5998H Honors Research in Aviation 1.00 - 6.00
BIOMEDE 2000 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 3.00
BIOMEDE 2001 Professional Development 1.00
BIOMEDE 2193 Individual Studies in Biomedical Engineering 1.00 - 12.00
BIOMEDE 2194 Group Studies in Biomedical Engineering 1.00 - 6.00
BIOMEDE 2200 Quantitative Principles of Cellular and Molecular Systems 3.00
BIOMEDE 2700 Numerical Simulations in BME 2.00
BIOMEDE 2800 Anatomy for Engineers 3.00
BIOMEDE 3701 Biomedical Engineering Domain Lab 2.00
BIOMEDE 3702 Measurements and Instrumentation Lab 3.00
BIOMEDE 3703 Quantitative Physiology 3.00
BIOMEDE 4001 Clinical Preceptorship in BME 3.00
BIOMEDE 4110 Bioimaging 3.00