Transcript Abbreviation:
Fund Med Imaging
Course Description:
Fundamentals of mathematical and physical principles and signals and systems concepts involved in medical imaging modalities of x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and ultrasound.
Course Levels:
Undergraduate (1000-5000 level)
General Education Course
Credit Hours (Minimum if “Range”selected):
Max Credit Hours:
Select if Repeatable:
Maximum Repeatable Credits
Total Completions Allowed
Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term:
Course Length:
14 weeks (autumn or spring)
Off Campus:
Campus Location:
Instruction Modes:
In Person (75-100% campus; 0-24% online)
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
Prereq: Math 2177, or Grad standing, or permission of instructor.
Electronically Enforced:
Course Goals / Objectives:
1. Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of mathematical techniques (convolution and Fourier theory) to represent signals and systems (a:2, e:1).
2.Students will be able to describe the physical principals, applications and limitations of bioimaging modalities (a:2, e:1 i:1, l:1).
3.Students will be able to identify (MRI, CT, PET, ultrasound) bioimaging instrumentation, interpret images and explain differences in imaging equipments for small animal vs. clinical applications (d:2, g:1, m:1).
Check if concurrence sought:
Contact Hours:
Topic | LEC | REC | LAB | LAB Inst |
Module 1: Mathematical representation of signals and systems: fourier transform and convolutions, concepts of resolution, contrast, image quality. | 9.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Module 2: X-ray radiography: X-ray production, interaction, detection, Beer-Lambert law, radiation safety | 9.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Module 3: CT and nuclear imaging: radon transform and backprojection, radionucleotides, SPECT/PET | 9.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Module 4: Ultrasound: acoustic waves production, interaction, detection, A, B, C, M-modes, Doppler ultrasound. | 9.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Module 5: MRI: nuclear spin, T1 and T2 relaxation, gradients, spin-echo and inversion recovery pulse sequences. | 9.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Total | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Grading Plan:
Letter Grade
Course Components:
Grade Roster Component:
Credit by Exam (EM):
Grades Breakdown:
Aspect | Percent |
HW assignments | 30% |
Midterm | 20% |
Term paper | 10% |
Finals | 40% |
Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials:
Title | Author | Year |
Medical Imaging: Signals and Systems, | Jerry L. Prince and Jonathan M. Links, Pearson Prentice Hall | |
The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, | J. T. Bushberg, J. A. Seibert, E. M. Leidholdt and J. M. Boone, second edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins |
ABET-CAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-ETAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
Embedded Literacies Info
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