
Course Number Sort descending Course Title Cross-Listings Credit Hours
MECHENG 7761 Optimum Design of Machines and Structures Cross-listed in AAE 7844. 3.00
MECHENG 7765 Principles and Applications of Tribology 3.00
MECHENG 8038 Advanced Topics in Finite Element Method 3.00
MECHENG 8193 Individual Studies in Mechanical Engineering 1.00 - 5.00
MECHENG 8194 Group Studies in Mechanical Engineering 1.00 - 5.00
MECHENG 8220 Continuous Time Optimal Control Cross-listed in ECE 8250. 3.00
MECHENG 8230 Nonlinear Dynamics 3.00
MECHENG 8250 Vibration of Continuous Systems 3.00
MECHENG 8322 Vehicle System Dynamics and Control 3.00
MECHENG 8352 Robust Control of Mechatronic Systems 3.00
MECHENG 8503 Statistical Thermodynamics 3.00
MECHENG 8504 Physical Gas Dynamics 3.00
MECHENG 8514 Optical Techniques in Fluid Flows 3.00
MECHENG 8518 Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering Cross-listed in AeroEng. 3.00
MECHENG 8527 Advanced Propulsion Problems Cross-listed in AeroEng 8851. 3.00
MECHENG 8603 Irreversible Thermodynamics and Transport of Charge, Heat, and Spin 3.00
MECHENG 8702 Neuromuscular Biomechanics 3.00
MECHENG 8717 Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Cross-listed in NuclrEn. 3.00
MECHENG 8777 Risk and Reliability for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems Cross-listed in NuclrEn. 3.00
MECHENG 8888 Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar 1.00
MECHENG 8901 Future Academic Scholars Training I for MAE 2.00
MECHENG 8902 Future Academic Scholars Training II for MAE 2.00
MECHENG 8998 Graduate Research in Mechanical Engineering 1.00 - 16.00
MECHENG 8999 Mechanical Engineering Research for Dissertation 1.00 - 16.00
NUCLREN 2194 Group Studies in Nuclear Engineering 1.00 - 4.00