
Course Number Sort descending Course Title Cross-Listings Credit Hours
ENGR 1138 Fundamentals of Mathematics for Engineers Cross-listed in Math. 4.00
ENGR 1180 Spatial Visualization Practice and Development 1.00
ENGR 1181.01 Fundamentals of Engineering I 2.00
ENGR 1181.02 Fundamentals of Engineering I - Scholars 2.00
ENGR 1182.01 Fundamentals of Engineering II 2.00
ENGR 1182.02 Fundamentals of Engineering II - Scholars 2.00
ENGR 1182.04 Fundamentals of Engineering 2 - Engineering Technology 2.00
ENGR 1186.01 Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfer - CAD 1.50
ENGR 1187 Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfer - MATLAB 1.00
ENGR 1188 Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfer - Problem Solving and Design 1.50
ENGR 1194 Group Studies in Engineering 1.00 - 4.00
ENGR 1194H Group Studies in Engineering - Honors 1.00 - 4.00
ENGR 1195 First-Year LEAP Seminar 1.00
ENGR 1195.02 Second Year LEAP Seminar 1.00
ENGR 1196 Minority Engineering Program Seminar 1.00
ENGR 1197.01 Green Engineering Scholars Seminar 1.00
ENGR 1197.02 Humanitarian Engineering Scholars Seminar 1.00
ENGR 1221 Introduction to Computer Programming in MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists Cross-listed in CSE. 2.00
ENGR 1259 Fundamentals of Academic Success for Engineering Students 3.00
ENGR 1281.01H Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors I 5.00
ENGR 1281.02H Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors I - Advanced Programming 5.00
ENGR 1282.01H Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors II - Robotics 3.00
ENGR 1282.02H Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors II - Research - Informed Impactful Design 3.00
ENGR 1282.04H Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors 2 - Integrated Business & Engineering 3.00
ENGR 1300 Introduction to Writing for STEM 3.00