ENGR 2300
Transcript Abbreviation:
Citzship in Eng
Course Description:
This course engages with thematic concepts and definitions of citizenship, diversity, equity, inclusion, and
justice through historical and contemporary lenses. Students explore the applications and implications of these
concepts across a wide range of engineering contexts. Students will approach the writing process from a
rhetorical perspective.
justice through historical and contemporary lenses. Students explore the applications and implications of these
concepts across a wide range of engineering contexts. Students will approach the writing process from a
rhetorical perspective.
Course Levels:
Undergraduate (1000-5000 level)
General Education Course
General Education Course:
Thematic Pathways
Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World
Credit Hours (Minimum if “Range”selected):
Max Credit Hours
Select if Repeatable:
Maximum Repeatable Credits
Total Completions Allowed
Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term:
Course Length:
14 weeks (autumn or spring)
Off Campus:
Campus Location:
Wooster (ATI)
Instruction Modes:
In Person (75-100% campus; 0-24% online)
Distance Learning (100% online)
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
Credit for Foundations: Completion of GE Foundation Writing and Information Literacy course.
Electronically Enforced:
Course Goals / Objectives:
Engage in an advanced, in-depth scholarly exploration of diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering/STEM cultures, especially how race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age are experienced and intersect
Engage in critical & logical thinking about the influence of engineering culture & its technical
processes on communities & society at the local, state, national, and global level, with a focus on intersections with equity & justice
processes on communities & society at the local, state, national, and global level, with a focus on intersections with equity & justice
Reflect critically on processes and learning (metacognition).
Understand the importance of rhetorical communication and writing for technical and non-technical contexts and audiences
Understand processes for composing informative and persuasive documents and plan and deliver presentations for a variety of audiences and purposes.
Apply strategies for common types of workplace communication
Check if concurrence sought:
Contact Hours:
Topic | LEC | REC | LAB | LAB Inst |
Course Intro, Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations, Rhetorical Foundations & Technical Writing Style, Planning and conducting research | 9.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications, Extensions, and Intersections: Theoretical | 7.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications, Extensions, and Intersections Equity, Justice, and Citizenship at School and Work: Equity in Hiring, Pay and Promotion | 5.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications, Extensions, and Intersections: Equity, Justice, and Citizenship in Urban Design, Transportation and the Environment | 5.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications, Extensions, and Intersections Equity, Justice, and Citizenship in Engineering Design: Automation, Robotics, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence | 5.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Applications, Extensions, and Intersections: Equity, Justice, and Citizenship on the Internet Social Media, Privacy and Surveillance, Big Data and Augmented Reality | 5.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Grading Plan:
Letter Grade
Course Components
Grade Roster Component
Credit by Exam (EM):
Grades Breakdown:
Aspect | Percent |
Participation | 5% |
Reading Engagement/Reflection: Reading Journal or Discussion Boards | 10% |
Reading Engagement/Reflection: Reading Response (Synthesis) Memos x2 at 5% each | 10% |
Recommendation Memo | 15% |
Case Study Presentation | 10% |
Peer Response | 5% |
Self- & Team Reflections/Evaluations | 5% |
Research Plan & Team Contract | 5% |
Annotated Bibliography | 10% |
Research Project | 15% |
Research project presentation | 10% |
Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials:
Title | Author | Year |
No Textbooks and Other Course Materials Entered. |
ABET-CAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-ETAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes:
Outcome | Contribution | Description |
3 | Significant contribution (7+ hours) | an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences - pre-2019 EAC SLO (g) |
4 | Significant contribution (7+ hours) | an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts |
7 | Significant contribution (7+ hours) | an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies |
Embedded Literacies Info
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