CSE 5052
Transcript Abbreviation
Course Description:
Survey of the basic concepts and techniques in artificial intelligence, including problem solving, knowledge representation, and machine learning.
Course Levels
General Education Course
Credit Hours (Minimum if “Range”selected):
Max Credit Hours:
Select if Repeatable:
Maximum Repeatable Credits
Total Completions Allowed
Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term:
Course Length:
14 weeks (autumn or spring)
12 weeks (summer only)
Off Campus:
Campus Location:
Instruction Modes
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
Prereq: 1211, 1221, 1222, 1223, or 2221, or Grad standing
Electronically Enforced:
Not open to students with credit for 3521 (630), 4521, or 5521, or students enrolled in a CSE or CIS major.
Course Goals / Objectives:
Master basic search techniques for problem-solving, including systematic blind search, heuristically-guided search, and optimal search
Be familiar with game tree search methods and the requirements for expert-level game play
Be familiar with using logic and proof as a basis for knowledge representation and automated reasoning
Be exposed with multiple knowledge-representation formalisms
Be exposed to problems in common sense reasoning and language understanding
Be exposed to integrated AI architectures as a platform for building AI systems
Be exposed to machine learning techniques and the kinds of problem they solve
Be exposed to state-of-the-art AI applications related to robotics, machine vision, speech recognition, and computer games
Be familiar with the implications of widely deployed AI technology for society in general and for a sample of other academic disciplines
Check if concurrence sought:
Contact Hours
Grading Plan:
Letter Grade
Course Components:
Grade Roster Component:
Credit by Exam (EM):
Grades Breakdown:
Aspect | Percent |
No Grade Breakdown Entered. |
Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials:
Title | Author | Year |
No Textbooks and Other Course Materials Entered. |
ABET-CAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-ETAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
Embedded Literacies Info
Additional Notes or Comments