ECE 2307
Transcript Abbreviation:
Course Description:
Introduction to circuit analysis; circuit analysis concepts and mechanical systems analogies; applications of electronic devices; operational amplifiers; electrical instruments and measurements. Lab only.
Course Levels:
Undergraduate (1000-5000 level)
General Education Course
Credit Hours (Minimum if “Range”selected):
Max Credit Hours:
Select if Repeatable:
Maximum Repeatable Credits
Total Completions Allowed
Allow Multiple Enrollments in Term:
Course Length:
14 weeks (autumn or spring)
Off Campus:
Campus Location:
Instruction Modes:
In Person (75-100% campus; 0-24% online)
Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
Prereq or concur: 2301.
Electronically Enforced:
Not open to students with credit for 2300, or students majoring in ECE.
Course Goals / Objectives:
Master the basic laws of circuit theory
Be competent to analyze simple resistive or dc circuits
Be competent in the analysis of steady-state RC and RL circuits, including frequency domain concepts and filters
Be competent in the transient analysis of RC and RL circuits
Be familiar with the fundamentals of AC power circuits, including the distinction between three-phase and residential power wiring and distribution
Be competent in the analysis of basic ideal and non-ideal operational amplifier circuits
Be familiar with diodes and their application in rectifiers
Be familiar with the basics of electronic instrumentation and measurements
Check if concurrence sought:
Contact Hours:
Topic | LEC | REC | LAB | LAB Inst |
Fundamentals of electric circuits: Kirchhoff’s current & voltage laws, power & sign conventions, Ohm’s law, practical sources & measuring devices | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Resistive network analysis: node voltage analysis,mesh current analysis, superposition & Thevenin equivalent, loading | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
AC network analysis: capacitors and inductors, sinusoids and sinusoidal response; phasor analysis of sinusoidal circuits | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Transient analysis with emphasis on 1st order circuits and brief overview of 2nd order circuits | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Sinusoidal frequency response of RLC circuits, filter circuits | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 0 |
Ideal op-amps, basic op-amp circuits | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 0 |
Diodes: ideal diode model and constant-voltage-drop circuit models, applications in rectifiers and for snubbers | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Bipolar junction transistors: operations, circuit models and applications | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Field-effect transistors: operations, circuit models and applications | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 |
Total | 0 | 0 | 11 | 0 |
Grading Plan:
Letter Grade
Course Components:
Grade Roster Component:
Credit by Exam (EM):
Grades Breakdown:
Aspect | Percent |
Laboratory | 100% |
Representative Textbooks and Other Course Materials:
Title | Author | Year |
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering | Rizzoni, Giorgio |
ABET-CAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-ETAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
ABET-EAC Criterion 3 Outcomes
Embedded Literacies Info
Additional Notes or Comments